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Golden Milk : Tumeric for Inflammation

Golden Milk : Tumeric for Inflammation

Are your joints feeling a bit stiff and sore from the change of the seasons? Use the anti-inflammatory power of turmeric to make yourself a warm cup of liquid sunshine and chase away the winter aches and blues.

There are many variations on Yogi Bhajan’s original recipe. Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa’s version of Yogi Bhajan’s Golden Milk recipe from her book Kundalini Yoga The Flow of Eternal Power, 1996, p. 286, closely follows Yogi Bhajan’s recommendations:

Golden Milk
1/8 teaspoons turmeric
3 cardamom pods (optional)
1/4 cup water (approx.)
Simmer 5 to 7 minutes, then add:
1 cup milk
2 Tablespoons almond oil (cold pressed)
Bring just up to the boiling point, do not boil!

If desired add sweetener (honey or maple syrup) to taste. You can also make it frothy by putting it in the blender-use the lowest setting. Drink warm. It’s a great bedtime drink.

Nut milk, seed milk, grain milk, soy milk and goat milk can be substituted for cow’s milk, as well as stevia for adding a bit of natural sweetness to your cup. Relax and enjoy!

Sangeeta Kaur Khalsa 10/16/16