with Alice Beloved
Certified Massage TherapistCMT
Reiki & Reflexology
Learn about Numerology and Yourself
The first part of your FULL PROFILE will be a look at your Overall Character, through the FIVE MAJOR NUMBERS (“Destiny”, “Birth Force”, “Heart’s Desire”, “Personality”, and “Reality”) derived from your BIRTH CERTIFICATE NAME, and your DATE OF BIRTH. This gives us the “Big Picture” of “who” you are.
Next, we look at the “HOW” of your Character through the PLANES OF EXPRESSION (Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Intuitive) to see in which way(s) you prefer to express yourself and interpret your experiences.
After this, we look at some CHALLENGES and OPPORTUNITIES which present themselves as you go through various PHASES of your life known as the MAJOR CYCLES. This information will help you MINIMIZE the negative effects of the obstacles you may encounter, and MAXIMIZE the GOOD STUFF which is available to you! Lastly, we will take a brief look at your “Habit Challenge” (found in your Birth Name) — just to help you become aware of traits which, when over-emphasized, can become a bit tiresome to those around you.
In the final component of your Full Profile, we will explore Your PERSONAL YEAR vibration. Each calendar year holds a specific vibration for YOU — and by understanding this vibration, you can have a MORE EASEFUL TIME conducting your affairs.