Tarot Crystals at PureJoy Yoga
We are proud to offer a variety of crystals, gemstones, and rocks at our flagship location in Yuba City. We get monthly inventory updates of spectacular crystal specimens from Tarot Crystals who sources from around the world. We offer thousands of crystals and rocks for our clients, ranging from pebbles to towers to large crystal clusters. Come visit!
Yuba City Rock Shop, Gemstones & Crystal Store
In 2020, we expanded our Boutique to include crystals, gemstones, rocks and metaphysical supplies and added the Crystal Soak service, sessions on our Crystal Bed in the Crystal Room at the center. We have one of the largest varieties of Satya Incense east of the Bay Area. We have sold thousands of specimens and keep a large variety of crystals in our shop. We offer one of a kind and large specimens, along with palmstone, pebbles, towers, rough stones, semi polished and shapes. We have a large selection of crystals in our shop, located in Yuba City and serving the surrounding towns. We are halfway between Sacramento and Chico, CA located 5 minutes from Highway 99.

Crystal and Gemstone Information
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The Magician
Protection • Spiritual Band-Aid • Higher Self
Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone that not only holds the outer realm of healing from the heavens, but embodies the grounding earth realm too. He helps you attain a higher state of being while providing protection in the modern world. While he works to cleanse and detoxify your space, he rids your mind of jealousy, fear and anger. Working as a spiritual satellite, he raises your vibe to your fullest potential. Place him near your front door for extra protection of your home. His work is in the Crown Chakra, moving you away from painful memories while neutralizing EMF waves. Program him with an intention and witness his power.
Three of Cups
Harmony • Prosperity • Abundance
Known as the “Wealth Stone,” Amethyst is born of a Greek myth where a young virgin was turned into crystal and wine poured over her to create the beautiful purple points of this beloved stone. Create your own shower of abundance with her as she works to increase your effectiveness in work, intuition and communication. Her blessed energy washes away negative thoughts, anxiety and stress while activating your 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras. Place in your living room for harmony of home or in your office to make better decisions.
Goddess of the Moon
Prana • Honesty • Purity
Selenite is a stone named after the Greek goddess of the moon and she brings along with her all the clearing energy of the moon washing over you. As you free yourself from negativity (and inhibitions) she helps liberate your sense of self. Help clear your energy blockages and bring in more positivity. Great for amplifying your other crystals and cleansing them, she also represents water and connects to the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras. She is a great friend to have around other crystals, near electronics and in your pocket.
High Priestess
Ambition • Vitality • New Beginnings
Goldstone is the “Stone of Ambition” and helps build your energy in creative endeavors. Needing a little courage to step into your destiny? Goldstone will help bring a positive attitude and the drive to take you to completion. Ingenuity and confidence are key with this Sacral Chakra stone whose sparkle can help inspire you to move towards your goals. She is your gal for any new venture or adding vitality to a project. Let her shine in the sunlight of your office or creative space.
The Hierophant
Divine Purpose • Spiritual Detox • Synergy
Using his powers of improving concentration, balancing and grounding, Fluorite will help you manage the endless thoughts and find focus. A great stone for students, but also perfect for working with other crystals, he helps clear your mental blocks while protecting your aura. He leaves you with the gift of better decision making and exposes the true desires of your heart. This “Rainbow Keeper” represents the power of the 3rd Eye Chakra.
Unconditional Love • Forgiveness • Trust
Rose Quartz reminds you of what you are made of, pure love and bliss. She carries the powers of reconciliation, forgiveness and compassion to help you navigate your relationships with self and others. Greek mythology speaks of her as the gift of Love from Cupid and Eros for humanity, and you are sure to be embraced with her high vibration of the heart chakra. She encompasses the water element, flowing away negativity, anger and disappointment while washing over you with understanding and a positive perspective.
Clarity • Intention • Reflection
Better known as the “Powerful Healer,” Clear Quartz brings revitalization to all the chakras but especially the Crown Chakra. He is seen as a gateway of manifesting your desires and sending them to the heavens. He is more sensitive to your own vibration, so be sure to program him with pure intentions and cleanse regularly. He has the ability to amplify your goals and reflects the endless possibilities of life. Draw good energy into your space by placing him in a window sill for the sun’s vitality.
Knight of Pentacles
Joy • Wealth • Success
Citrine is known as the “Merchant’s Stone” and believed to help bring material prosperity and career attainment into your life. His bright and cheery demeanor help lift you up to meet your goals and accomplish great things. Reflecting the color of the Solar Plexus chakra, you personal willpower is magnetized towards creativity and motivation. Place him in your wallet for 40 days to improve finances or pair with clear quartz for manifestation. Paired with amethyst, he brings harmony to your home.
The Chariot
Self-Worth • Willpower • Protection
A beautiful (and powerful) manifesting stone, Hematoid Quartz harmonizes imbalances between the emotional and thinking bodies. With a direct effect on your subtle energy, he provides the protection for you to blossom in your self-esteem as you ground into your Root Chakra. He has the ability to help you transmute shadow work into Universal Light and is the perfect friend for meditation practices. His beauty is the suspension of hematite in the power of quartz crystal.
The Empress
Bold Actions • Hidden Talents • Fame
Best known as the “Artist’s Stone.” Carnelian is a stone ready to go viral. She urges you to tap into your true creative expression and helps you understand your passions. Encouraging child-like play to tap into your passion and courage, she holds space for spontaneity and inspiration on all fronts. Don’t let her fool you, she is of this realm and compliments the lower three chakras which also include sexuality and confidence. She helps you let go of false fears and share your gifts with the world. Keep her with you to find inspiration in the everyday.
Clarity • Purpose • Natural State
Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a stone of the Angelic realm. The androgynous stone symbolizes prophecy and helps you attain peace and calm that can only be found by trusting the Universe. Known as the “Teacher of the New Age,” an Aquarius by nature, they help you to cool down emotions and remember your natural state of joy. Connected to the higher chakras of Throat, 3rd Eye and Crown, the true desire of your heart will be revealed. Keep them by your bedside to connect with the astral realm.
The Moon
Intuition • Balance • Wishes
Just as old and just as beautiful as the moon itself, Moonstone takes her name from the femine energies of the moon, a more yin approach to life. She provides nourishment and ignites passion in your life and helps light the way to guide you on your inner path. She embellishes you with tranquility and helps to wash away negativity as she re-energizes your body and mind. As she helps you find calm and relieves your stress, like the protection of a mother, she asks you, “What are your wishes?”
The Star
Workaholic • Type A • Stressed Out
Spinel is the “Stone of Hope,” and with that he brings new enthusiasm to life. As he helps you rid your life of lethargy and negative thoughts patterns, he works to improve your self-acceptance. If you are feeling like that lust for life is missing, he steps in to bring revitalization into your life, your home and your relationships. He reminds you to celebrate your small victories.
The Sun
Empaths • Antidepressant • Seasonal Affective Disorder
Better known as the Confetti Stone, due to the cheerful flecks of optimism sprinkled in, Sunstone helps you to bring in cheerful vibes. Just like a day at the beach, or a smooth ride in a convertible, this stone brings you Vitamin C for the soul. Reminding you of the need for work/life balance, he asks you to “turn your face to the sun” and empowers you to move past limits of the past. He gives you confidence and creativity to help uplift your mood so you can grow and transform, just like a plant photosynthesizes the rays of the sun. Keep him with you during winter for alternative sunshine.
The Fool
Existential Crisis • Transformation • Infinite Possibilities
A reflection of the Northern Lights where Labradorite was found, it was first called Frozen Fire. A dichotomy stone, Labradorite embodies the infinite possibilities between Heaven and Earth. He reminds us that anything is possible and transformation is the key. While the material world begs us to play, Labradorite reminds us to keep our head in the clouds. He gives you the confidence to be yourself and dive deep into your inner consciousness. Take the leap, dive into yourself and discover your psychic abilities.
Six of Pentacles
Karma • Generosity • Enthusiasm
Blue Chalcedony reminds you of the Law of Attraction, and in order to receive the abundance of love, prosperity and companionship, you must also be generous in your ways. As he removes negativity from your life, he also inspires you to speak about life in a positive way. As you cultivate more optimism and goodwill in your life, you will become more virtuous in integrity and honesty. Blue Chalcedony is connected to the Heart Chakra and helps you become a better lover and friend.
Ganesha / The Tower
Overcoming Obstacles • Clear Thinking • Emotional Clarity
The power of this stone is found in the black needles of Tourmaline encased in Quartz Crystal, which helps amplify the grounding nature of Tourmalated Quartz. He helps you reconnect with the Earth, while neutralizing toxicity of your mind and environment, making him a wonderful pocket crystal or altar piece. Just like Ganesha, he looks to remove the obstacles which are usually self-imposed limits in your mind and balance Yin and Yang qualities. Known as a Good Luck stone, he lends a protective energy to your aura and from EMF waves. Helping absorb negativity and keeping you in the present moment, he balances your Root and Crown Chakras.
The World
Powerful Manifestor • Positive Outlook • Success
Orire Quartz reminds you to look at life from the outside, recognize your successes and your ability to create the life you want to live. A mini peak of hematite creates a phantom of a crystal within a crystal, a reminder of the elusive and multi-faceted nature of our world. She reminds you to connect with the material world while sending your wishes to the stars and giving gratitude for them as if they are already manifest. She will help you to understand what your unconscious reactions are so you may move into conscious responses, resulting in more successful outcomes and your fully bloomed life. She is mined consciously in Nigeria by a Grass Valley native.
Two of Cups
Amethyst • Citrine
The placement of Citrine and Amethyst together helps bring a harmonious energy to your space. Citrine is a powerful stone for happiness, self-esteem and abundance. Amethyst is great for love, wisdom and intuition. Feng Shui recommends placing them in your living room for a happy home, or displaying them in the back, left corner (from front door) of your home for prosperity. Set the intention for love, joy, peace and abundance with this pair.
Queen of Cups
Inner Child • Hope • Determination
Tangerine Quartz is a stone of passion, curiosity and personal growth. She reminds you to connect in with your intuition and your inner child who knows the way. As you work to overcome your self-limitations, she helps to release any shame, blame or judgement surrounding your past. She aims to protect you from any additional drama and gives you strength to move from a courageous place. With the spark of iron, her coloring reflects the fire element and works on the bottom three chakras, bringing the passion of Leo and Libra signs. Great for crystal grids or carrying with you.
Goddess of Atlantis
Divine Feminine • Gentle Self Expression • Rarity
Known as the “Dolphin” or “Atlantis” Stone, Larimar is a rare stone from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. Reflecting the crystal blue seas, she combines strength and tranquility like the basaltic lava and ocean waters where she was formed. She is powerful in releasing emotional bonds and patterns that no longer serve you and bringing inner wisdom to the surface to manifest. She alleviates trauma ties and self-sabotage while encouraging gentle self-expression. Relax and meditate with her, but keep her out of the sun’s reach to preserve her vibrant color.
Ace of Wands
New Beginnings • Fertility • Sensuality
A traditional wedding gift in India, Peach Moonstone represents loving energy, passion, and luck. Her soothing calm can help open your intuition and birth enhanced creativity. If you are seeking to improve your self discovery, image, composure and confidence, she will help lift your vibration. Known as the “Fertility Stone,” she helps you to plant the seed of future fulfillment. Born of the moon, she may help balance hormones and is a great comrade for sensitive children. She corresponds with the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras and the sign of Pisces.
Princess of Cups
Rejuvenation • Connection • Beauty Within
The bringer of joy, and how could she not with all that sparkle?! Opal Aura Quartz is a dynamic quartz bonded with platinum under heat to give her the rainbows that take away gloom with one glance. All that beauty is certain to spill over, as she helps you find your inner beauty to attract friends and lovers. Connection with others and with the Astral Realm (a place of dreams of oneness), she prides herself on bringing you hope, especially when your mood is low. Hold her in your writing hand before taking pen to paper, and be sure to display her where others may see!
Seven of Swords
New Venture • Synchronicity • Clear Head
Ignite your inner power and turn adversity into opportunity with Black Moonstone. Like a Dark Goddess of the moon, she cuts through your internal layers to reveal your pathway to greatness. As you start to face your shadow, compassion and fearlessness grow while allowing space for vulnerability. She connects you to the Divine through the Crown Chakra and reminds you of patience with divine timing. Release your need for outside influences and lean on her protective energies. A beautiful friend for stepping into your higher state of being.
Five of Wands
Best Self • Healing • Strength
The combination of “Master Healer” Clear Quartz and Titanium lend Rainbow Aura Quartz, or the “Stone of Universal Light,” its beautiful rainbow hues. Through a heating process, Titanium bonds molecularly to the surface of the quartz giving her a grounded energy with all of the healing powers. Titanium helps her bring more energy to your aura and patch any holes. She also helps fill your life with positive and meaningful energies and is known as a high vitality stone. Used in meditation, you can achieve higher states while staying grounded.
The Star
Honor • Integrity • Eloquence
Known as the “Hope Stone,” Amazonite radiates soothing vibes that aid in optimum health and optimism. She is a Virgo stone, and she can help you see both sides of an issue to mediate for yourself or others. Keep her nearby to alleviate worry and fear. She works with the nervous system to even out your vibe, while also encouraging you to speak with confidence. She is connected to the Heart and Throat Chakras making her a great friend to have around your home and office.
Eight of Wands
Confidence • Reignite Passion • Vigor
Kick off your shoes and put on those Ruby Red Slippers with Ruby embedded in Fuchsite. She helps sweep you out of destructive patterns and onto a golden, positive path that all matters of your heart can be healed. As a heart stone, she helps open and enhance your spiritual awareness, noticing all the beauty that constantly surrounds you. Put on those heart shaped glasses, get out there and start radiating positive energy for all to feel! Your individuality is what the world needs.
Inner Visions • Beauty of Life • Smooth Sailing
The beauty of this stone comes from Blue Calcite and sandy Aragonite, giving Caribbean Calcite vibes of the sea. He will help you cleanse your energy and amplify emotional intelligence. The calm and serene swirl of his mineral makeup can drift you off to your own personal island of self trust, invigorating your path to build the world you want to see. Just as sound carries over water, your ability to communicate over long distances is amplified with the glow of his magic. He resides in the Crown and 3rd Eye Chakras and reminds you of your beauty.
Three of Swords
Resolution • Nurturing • Mental Peace
Mangano Calcite gets her white swirl from Manganese and was discovered in 1846 in Slovakia. A great stone for healers, she helps create bonds between healer and patient. On her own, she resides in all matters of the heart, and is great for grief, resolving heartbreak and forgiveness of the past. She invites you to get familiar with your true self in order to find pure happiness. With the qualities of improving self confidence and esteem, she bestows on you the ability to attract new opportunities on your path. Reset your heart space when you seat her next to Rose Quartz.
Courage • Mood Shift • Uniqueness
Also known as the “Reiki Stone,” Zeolite enhances responses to healing and attunement to energies. It absorbs negativity and toxicity from the beholder and the space, and is thought of as a stone of joy for this reason. Overcome mistrust, as it helps you tap into a higher source energy that resets your vibe to positivity. There is a yoga sutra that says if you have a negative thought, pluck it out and replace it with a positive one. Zeolite embodies this sutra. It relates to the upper three chakras and can help you tap into the spirit-animal world.
Ten of Swords
Guidance • Direction • Sweetness
Stilbite is a form of Zeolite and helps you to attain more “knowingness” in your life. He helps you to see through confusion and that all choices are pathways – and whichever you choose is the perfect way to go. His name is derived from the Greek word “to shine” and his soft coloring reminds you to do just that. Use him for manifesting your hopes and dreams, getting clarity from intuition and higher guidance, and to remember your divine nature of joyfulness. Lick your wounds from the past and move on!
Nine of Swords
Destress • Alignment • Adaptability
Heighten the profoundness of your inner journey with Lithium Quartz. His adaptability and chameleon-like nature will help you navigate uncertain times, asking you to remember that you are a child of God and deserve all of life’s blessings. Combat any depression, anxiety and stress using him as an aid in meditation or stillness. He comes directly from miners in Brazil and invokes the courage for you to act on your convictions and dreams. He reminds you that risk-taking isn’t meant for the faint hearted and your decisive actions can inspire others.
Princess of Wands
Manifesting • Highest Potential • Ignite Energy
Don’t let her beauty fool you, Flower Agate is a powerful stone for stepping into your highest potential. She works as a manifesting aid as you hold her in your palm and dream big! She reminds you that your goals are divinely led, and you don’t need the affirmations of others to live life to the fullest. She is a crystal of peace, beauty and joy and as you harmonize your inner world and thoughts to this vibration, your passion, drive and ambition will reflect in the outer realm. Her message : “You deserve all of what your heart seeks.”
Cosmic Union
Abundance • Prosperity • New Ventures
Known as the “Prosperity Stone,” Grossular Garnet in its pink form is very rare and this beauty is from Sierra de Cruces, Mexico. She shines healing and health into your life, while brining abundance to new business ventures. She is believed to hold the power of regeneration, on both the physical and cell levels. Repair any money problems or use during life’s challenges to attract abundance and joy. She is the birthstone of January and represents the sign of Aquarius. One of her many blessings is the ability to smooth over any emotional extremes in her beholder.
Three of Wands
Alignment • Rapid Growth • Healing
This rare stone Trolleite is also known as the “Stone of Ascension” and usually only found in smaller sizes due to his rarity. He comes to you with the message of connecting in with your higher power and to manifest only from the heart. He can be a powerful aid in helping you achieve those things you wish, but be mindful to be pure in your endeavors! He helps soften the energies around you and can release and heal your energy to help brighten your days. Carry him with you consistently for rapid change and experience more bliss, exciting opportunities opening up and beautiful self expression.
Nobel Serpentine
Bliss • Balance • Luck & Healing
Lemon Swirl Nobel Serpentine is this cutie’s official name, and it is a pretty new find from Washington state. It brings you the Kundalini awakening energy of both Serpentine and Healerite, while encouraging your body and mind to heal more rapidly. The stone itself has some quartz embedded, amplifying these energies. It will bring you the feeling of more control in your life and may promote sexual healing. Use Lemon Swirl to reaffirm your connection to the Universal energy that is everywhere, including in you.
Wheel of Fortune
Spirit Realm • Ancient Knowledge • Karma
Also known as “Melody Stone,” Super Seven combines Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Clear Quartz, embodying all of their healing and metaphysical benefits. If you are seeking meaning in your life and the purpose of your soul, it will help you turn inward and reclaim mental clarity. As it gives you a push in the right direction, it reminds you of past life karma and how to move forward. Found in Brazil at a place called Espirito Santo, which translates as Holy Spirit, you do not need to cleanse this baby.
Heal Heartache • Forgiveness • Nature Guides
She is also known as the “Rescue Stone,” as Rhodonite helps rescue you from the perils of relationship drama, inspiring you to let love guide you. She presents a jolt of energy to your Heart Chakra, leaving you relaxed yet revitalized. She wants you to remember the feeling of nature and how it softens your everyday needs and that leisure is just as important as your goals. Make time to enjoy this “Rose” stone, her name comes from the Greek word for the flower of love. The end of one cycle is the beginning of a new one.
Page of Swords
Ancient Wisdom • Wholeness • Oneness
Wisdom has it that an ancient civilization of Lemuria took all of their knowledge and embedded it into these beautiful stones, planting them around the world. Lemurian Quartz is often found in Mount Shasta, CA, and brings with it the ancient wisdom and a remembrance of wholeness and oneness with everything and everyone, cosmos included. They act like a spiritual battery and need no additional cleansing, as you get to know one another and work with eachother creating a relationship. If you’re feeling lost on Earth, turn to your stone and connect to the celestial realm.
Seven of Wands
Deeper Picture • Confidence • Vitality
Combining the purification vibes of Selenite on top of the oh so capable Red Calcite, you are sure to see your deeper meaning and move towards it with confidence and strength! Give those outdated thoughts about yourself the boot, and gain the willingness to experience life. Helping to ground and protect you, he will give you a nice energy cleanse and clear any confusion or spaced out feelings. He reminds you to rise up when you feel beaten down.
Queen of Pentacles
Earth Connection • Power • Creativity
Create a safe space to align your energies with Tourmaline in Feldspar. Tourmaline steps in to give you an extra boost of self confidence while encased in the self love crystal of Feldspar. Start to notice your unconventional ways and use her to make your endeavors successful. Like a protective shield, she connects you to Gaia and neutralizes negativity. Form more objective views of the world while stepping into your power – knowing your power is never to be asserted over others unless they’ve crossed your boundaries.
Ace of Cups
Revitalization • Wellness • Generosity
A wonderful stone for both healers and those needing healing, Healerite is a form of Noble Serpentine, or Septarian. The brilliant coloring offers Heart Chakra vibes and a feeling of revitalization. He reminds you that you are born holistically perfect, and that your healing comes when you can find the joy of life – even during difficult situations. Increase vitality and engage your subtle body, clearing out meridians and finding flow in your body and heart. Healerite is a great aid to use with clients or to take to therapy.
Ten of Cups
Motivation • Learning • Public Speaking
Like a puffy cloud on a perfect day, Blue Calcite calms and soothes emotions while working to protect your aura. As you integrate working with your Throat Chakra, you begin to feel confident in your presentational and conversational talks. It’s said she can even help you achieve your “Aha” moments when used in meditation or a contemplative practice. Smooth out those frayed nerves and start to notice how your thoughts impact your speech, and you are truly speaking your life into existence. Once you master this, your communication becomes a testament to love for all and living your dreams.
Two of Pentacles
Harmony • Body Mind Unity • Stability of Mind
Just as you may have felt cracked by the lessons of this life, Rainbow Quartz invites you to see the sparkle that has become out of difficulty. In just a mere moment, your whole can change for the better, if you are willing to recognize that conflict preludes growth. She is and gives that glimmer of hope and allows you to sparkle, perfectly or imperfectly, in your own light.
Six of Swords
Lift Spirits • High Vibe • Full Consciousness
A stellar stone for keeping negativity at bay, Kyanite is your own personal body guard when dealing with those who bring you down. Bring to your holiday or work party, and keep close at hand to stay protected from low vibes. He doesn’t hold negativity, so cleansing is unnecessary. On a brighter note, he is sure to lift your mood while helping you recall dreams and recognize their symbology in waking life. A Throat Chakra stone, he gets you off that ego trip so you can bridge your heart to your words.
Five of Pentacles
Exuberance • Vitality • Vibrancy
Increase your inner fire with Desert, or Polychrome Jasper. Fan the heat of your flames as he calls you to action like the last scene in a summer flick. As you become more balanced and focused, he tells you to be true to yourself. Your fortune comes from your stamina; and creativity only helps you when you have follow through on your endeavors. With the passion of the astrological sign of Leo, he brings courage and enthusiasm so by the time the movie ends, that happy outlook keeps reeling.
Four of Cups
Perseverance • Growth • Abundance
The “Stone of Plentitude,” Dendritic Agate is a brilliant mix agate with Dendrites of Maganese or Iron Oxide. Like woodland and tree spirits, she tugs at you to reconnect with the Earth. From the Greek word for “tree-like,” she ponders where your roots are? Is it time to uproot or time to reconnect? With her softer energy, she works softly on the root cause of your issues, and helps you find a way to change day-to-day behaviors to align with the growth you seek. Nature is always abundant, and she wants you to see all you have to be grateful for already.
Five of Cups
Overthinking • Spiritual Message • Overwhelm
The fragmented nature of Ibis Jasper is a beautiful reminder that what was once thought to be broken has only made you more whole. Named after the Ibis bird, this Madagascaran mineral is compounded through many moons with crystal, chalcedony, varieties of quartz and agate. He takes on the energies of Thoth, the God of Wisdom. It is in your hardest moments you find the deepest lessons. Especially helpful for integration after traumas or any type of fracture (mind or body), he looks to increase your motivation and inspiration and heal feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.
King of Cups
Peaceful Relations • Renewal • Release
Open your heart with this “Atlantis Stone,” commonly known as Ocean Jasper. He invites you to move into a place of balance and gratitude and his ocean vibes remind you to go with the flow. From a peaceful mind, you are able to attract prosperity and wealth without the problematic nature of the mind. A stone of the Heart Chakra, he tells you to prioritize yourself and watch the relationships around you change as you do. Holding you in a higher vibration of love and compassion for yourself, his watery ways bring a sense of renewal as you let go of negativity.
Two of Swords
Truth Enhancing • Protection • New Horizons
Increase your power to discern what is the truth with Obsidian. This truth-enhancing stone merges the elements of fire, earth and water and helps to clear confusion. As he offers support during times of change, he helps you to also not react out of emotions to people and events. Feng Shui recommends him as a perfect companion in your office. He can help clear obstacles from your life path. Use him to reveal mysteries in your life and of the Universe, but be sure to cleanse him regularly. Clear any darkness that limits your light.
Eight of Cups
Hope • Romance • Rebirth
From the Sanskrit name “Marakata,” meaning Spring Green, Emerald is a sacred stone used throughout the ages. She held the fascination of Cleopatra and is also seen as the Goddess of Love and War in ancient texts. Her love vibes continue to this age as she brings about loyalty in the heart. She is also known to promote creativity, good fortune, increase intuition and intelligence. Ruled by the Goddess Venus, she is a great stone for fertility and rebirth and known as the Successful Love stone.
Knight of Wands
Opportunities • Mental Clarity • Ethereal Vibes
This White Labradorite is Rainbow Moonstone, as he anchors in the transformational properties of labradorite with the ebbs and flow of the moon cycle. A brilliant companion to lift you up in tumultuous times, he encompasses the sky in a stone. You are able to start over whenever you choose, just as every sunrise brings about a new day chalk full of opportunities. He helps you clear your mind so you won’t miss the opportunities you seek and gently reminds you that transformation only happens with a change.
The Hanged Man
Transformation • New Path • Emotional Transition
Colored from the Sahara Sand, Peach Selenite brings you protection from others as you tap back into yourself. He works to bring you mental clarity and the clearing of energy blocks so you are able to move on and move up in life. Gain access to your inner processes as he battles any feelings of abandonment or betrayal. If you have found yourself journeying down the same negative thought spiral, work with him as a karmic cleanser. His message, “The path is clear for you to move forward in the direction of your dreams.”
Ten of Wands
Manifesting Powers • Attraction • Next Steps
Known as the “Accumulation Stone,” Garnierite is a powerful stone to help you manifest and attract the life you envision for yourself. She is able to show you your next steps to achieve that life, and works great as a wish stone. Hold her in your hands, focus on your desired outcomes, and then give thanks to the Universe. Get that extra push you need to pursue all that you came here to do, as she helps you remember your inner divinity. Representative of the Goddess Gaia, she can also help you eat healthier or know which foods you need. Her green coloring comes from the mineral Nickel.
Seven of Cups
Whimsical Resilience • Enhanced Privacy • Tolerance
Also known as Dragonstone, the whimsical vibes of Serpentine take you back to a time of dragons and wizards! It’s no wonder he helps guard your privacy like a knight in shining armor while grounding you into the type of confidence that deters unhealthy people from your life. Swirls of yellow calcite, arganotie, barite, and limestone merged together 50-70 million years ago to bring him to life. In the realm of fantasy, he brings you a series of choices and hope so you can start fresh — moving away from any sadness, self-pity and grief or critical tendencies. He also goes by Septarian or Septaria.
Six of Cups
Rejuvenation • Lust for Life • Aloha Vibes
Bring some wonder and awe back to your life with Kauai Calcite. This type of calcite is only found on the island of Kauai and comes in shades that mimic the sun. It is known as the “Stone of Transformation” and helps you to accelerate your own growth. Catch the Aloha vibes as you surf your way to a new shore, one with your highest potential in mind. Try tapping into your inner child with it, and start to view a potential within yourself that is ready to crash on your shores! Kauai Calcite is a stone of creation, and holds a high vibration to help shift your energy. Place in a room with stagnant energy or too much movement.
Six of Wands
Sensuality • Luck • Courage
A sacred stone of many cultures, including the Romans, Aztecs, and ancient Egyptians, Garnet gets her name from the Latin word meaning “seed like” referencing the pomegranate fruit. Ancient stories tell of a lightning strike within Garnet that will help you expand your awareness. She brings courage and luck to your endeavors, as she represents the Egyptian Goddess of War. Create your own victory parade as she helps improve the Chi (prana) in your body. She is also the birthstone for January and represents Aquarius in astrology. A perfect pocket stone or altarpiece.
Nine of Wands
Deep Feelings • Personal Power • Communication
A combination of dolomite and metal gives Opalite her beautiful sheen. While she helps relieve fatigue, she also reminds you when to seek rest. She can assist in connecting you with deeper feelings that lead you to a sense of personal power based on intuition. A great friend to have for meditative journeys, she can alleviate depression and anxiety. And while she works in helping stabilize moods, she also has a sexy side – making sure you bring a little fun into your life (wink, wink). She rewards faithful lovers and helps communication in relationships.
The Hierophant
Divine Purpose • Spiritual Detox • Synergy
Using her powers of improving concentration, balancing and grounding, Fluorite will help you manage the endless thoughts and find focus. A great stone for students, but also perfect for working with other crystals, she helps clear your mental blocks while protecting your aura. She leaves you with the gift of better decision making and exposes the true desires of your heart. This “Rainbow Keeper” represents the power of the 3rd Eye Chakra.
Five of Wands
Creative Pursuits • Imagination • Grace
The combination of “Master Healer” Clear Quartz and Cobalt lend Cobalt Aura Quartz its beautiful dark blue hues. He helps you relieve any discontent, whether with yourself or others, and ushers in moments of joy. Reclaim your personal self expression and dive deep into the waters of passionate pursuit. Invite Cobalt Aura to help you ease the burden of life’s blockage and move into a pace that is set for you. He makes a great addition in the kitchen (hello next iron chef), but also anywhere in your home that needs a cheerful pattern to remind you of your glory and uniqueness.
Two of Wands
Earth Grounding • Protection • Cleanse
This “Stone of the Mind” is actually three types of calcite combined. This mixture of Red, White and Green Calcites brings the benefits of each stone along with the amplification power to aid your other crystals. Find your focus and determination with the increased ability to discern and form critical analysis. Cleanse your space and vibe, allowing more positivity to move in. Red calcite aids in detoxing and building inner strength, white calcite improves memory, and green calcite brings money and success. Create better boundaries and enjoy the earthly realm.
Nine of Cups
Celestial Love • Heaven’s Help • Release Frustration
Have you lost that loving feeling? Pink Optical Calcite, and her cheerful blush, is here to assist you in reconnecting with unconditional love for yourself and others. She bashfully amplifies your heart and solar chakras to align you to non-judgement, joy and gratitude. A glance at her from across the room can help remove past mistakes and anxieties, so you can move forward from your heart. Keep her on top of your gratitude journal, or underneath jewelry that holds meaning to you. Her message “Be positive, good things come when you act on your heart.” Namaste!
King of Wands
Courage • Integrity • Action
In Ancient Egypt, Tiger’s Eye was known as the Eye of the Deities – representing the “All Seeing, All Knowing” eye. He integrates the power of the Sun and Earth, helping you move past the idea of duality. When you approach life from a place of spiritual and material as one, you realize your true power and capacity. He lends some protection to your newly found courageousness as you step more fully into a leadership role or an adventure. He also stimulates wealth and good judgement as he supports you in making necessary changes.
Two of Wands
Cheer Up • Personal Power • Long Term Goals
Honey Calcite is the bee’s knees for keeping you on track with your goals. Like the Queen of the Hive, she helps you make important decisions based on planning your path. She helps you break out of daily patterns that only see the short term reward, and helps you release any fears around your dreams. Are you dreaming big? Where do you really want to be in five years? Bring in some mental clarity by working with her in meditation or reduce stress in your office by having her present. Her message “If you don’t have a plan, you won’t make any progress.”
Knight of Swords
Action Orientated • Desires • Prana
If you caught a glimmer of his sparkle, then you’ve already found the charm of Red Aventurine, or Strawberry Quartz. They say all that glitters isn’t gold, and he’s here to prove that you have what it takes to step into your sparkle. He brings harmony and balance to your home and battles any lethargy you may have. He can grant you an influx of energy, mixing fire and earth energies so you can get things done! Tied to the zodiac of Aries and Leo, he’s better stimulation than any smart phone and wants your adoration. Let things heat up and turn your desires into reality!
Ace of Pentacles
Career • Abundance • Optimism
It is not by chance that you have connected with Green Aventurine, she is the “Stone of Opportunity” and also known as the “Gambler’s Stone.” If you have been waiting for a domino-like chain reaction, she urges you to take the first step and all others will fall into place. As she opens new doors of opportunity for you, you may start to see you hold all keys already. She can help ease your emotional body and any matters of the heart while propping you up in areas of courage and confidence. A stone of Virgo and Libra, her name comes from the Italian word Ventura meaning “by chance.”
Highest Vibration • Universal Force • Potential
Golden Healer is a powerful stone, combining the Master Healer energy of Quartz with Hematite to create the “Golden Rays” that mimic the sun. He is the catalyst you’re looking for for spiritual activation and to release any unwanted energy. He brings balance and joy, so you can be in a state of calm during any storm. A stone of Universal Life Force, in olden times Christians referred to him as “Earth Christ Consciousness.” Make him the highlight of your crystal grid to open and intensify energy fields or place him near a healing space in your home.
Eight of Pentacles
Mysticism • Magic & Luck • Awakening
This volcanic stone, known as Merlinite or Indigo Gabbro, can be found in Madagascar and parts of Alaska. He brings wizardly vibes to the table with deep intuition and the alchemist’s way of using all the elements. Stir a little magic into your life’s cauldron as you meditate within him on your deep wishes. He represents the duality and can help show you where your shadow work is – even encouraging the use of your full mind. He is also known as the “Wise Soul” and represents the main energy channel that encompasses all of the chakras.
Ascension • Powerful Love • Trust
The cotton candy vibes of Pink Tourmaline in Lepidolite give the sweetest calling for ascension with the support of Divine Feminine energies. From Brazil, she calls in a balance and a step away from too much structure, “doing,” and control. She is the best aid for your heavy heart, depression and nervousness. Her soft energy blends the self-work and self-love vibes of Pink Tourmaline (the most powerful Love Stone) with the easeful and soft energies of Lepidolite. Bring in calmness and trust and finally get some restful sleep with her by your side.
Four of Swords
Inner Peace • Gentle Power • Steadfast
Smooth sailing to calmer tides and vibes is possible with Orca Agate, a form of Blue Agate. This gemmy stone promotes communication via the Throat Chakra and helps you reconnect with yourself and your truth. Agates have a more chill vibe, working over lengths of time with their tried and true energy. Great for children and keeping in your pocket or purse, usher in nourishing energies. Just like the flow of water, these Orcas allow grace to flow. They are also known as the “Forgiveness Stone” as they help you overcome the past.
Ace of Swords
Deep Energy Cleanse • Maximum Protection
Like your own bodyguard, Malachite helps you avoid danger and gives you protective luck. He helps you see yourself with a keen eye to overcome any of your shortcomings, while also practicing self love and acceptance. Known as a “Stone of Transformation,” he brings emotions to the surface so you acknowledge and let out any negativity. Doing the work, you will start to ground into your own true nature, one of happiness and health. He loans out strength and willpower and corresponds with your Heart and Throat Chakra. Cleanse him regularly with smudge.
Two of Wands
Inner Strength • Mental Detox • Energy Cleanse
Just like Iggy Pop, Red Banded Calcite brings back that lust for life, and a willingness to experience life more fully. Red calcite alone is known as a stone of vitality and can help cleanse your energetic body and space. She also helps alleviate any “spaciness” feelings, grounding and protecting your higher vibe. Banded with other calcites, she becomes and amplifier stone, increasing the vibes of all your other crystal babies. If your enthusiasm is running lower than normal, hold her in your hands and focus on your goals to add more strength behind your motivation.
King of Swords
Decisions • Confidence • Limitless
This rare stone gets his name from the Greek words for “Star Leaf.” Astrophyllite’s beautiful radiating star patterns reflect his ability to aid in astral travel, pierce through the past, and leave you with a spear-headed direction. As you start to rid yourself of old patterns, he helps you become aware of a clearer version of your life. Start to reorganize and restructure your day based on who you want to be and use him to aid in the manifestation of it. His message to you, “Believe it and you will achieve it!” He aids healers in the work to focus awareness on client’s needs.
Hermit + Emperor
Interdimensional Knowledge • Autocorrect Life
If you’re looking for a Sandman to bring you a dream, Baryte in Quartz is your new bedroom addition. He can help bring your passionate visions from the astral realm to life, and you may even experience more déjà vu moments. These moments remind you that synchronicity is the Universe reminding you that all is perfect in the present moment. He can help you increase vitality, break free from addictive tendencies of the body and mind, and promote lucid dreaming. Place him near your bed; or in the Prosperity Corner of your home.
The Hermit
Inner Vision • Higher Wisdom • Psychic Abilities
If you’re looking for a Sandman to bring you a dream, Baryte is your new bedroom addition. He can help bring your passionate visions from the astral realm to life, and you may even experience more déjà vu moments. These moments remind you that synchronicity is the Universe reminding you that all is perfect in the present moment. He can help you increase vitality, break free from addictive tendencies of the body and mind, and promote lucid dreaming. Place him near your bed; or in the Prosperity Corner of your home.
Eight of Swords
Reset Button • Inner Strength • Healer
Blue Quartz, or Blue Aventurine, was used by the Ancient Greeks to inspire courage by sewing pieces of it into clothing. Find your own courage to turn negative situations into positive ones with this stone. He acts as a space holder for you to transcend any cynicism, pessimism and self-criticism, so you may heal in the mind and speak your truth. His blue radiates from Dumortierite mica inclusions. Place him in a room where you perform ritual and prayer.
Purification • Prophecy • Mysticism
Heliotrope, or Bloodstone, has been used for thousands of years for healing. Also known as “Christ’s Stone,” this form of jasper holds many myths and mysticism. The word heliotrope means “sun-turning” and the ability of the stone to reflect a red sun in water. Start to turn your own sun towards clarity and understanding of the unfamiliar, as this stone works to protect, increase, and ground your energy. A stone of Libra, he works with the Root and Heart Chakras and reminds you that you can weather any storm that comes your way.
Two of Swords
Protection • Reflection • Cut Ties
Reclaim your power with Mahogany Obsidian, known as the “Stone of Reflection.” This aura-protecting stone merges the elements of fire, earth and water and helps to clear confusion. As he offers support during times of change, he helps you to also not react out of emotions to people and events. Finally cut the ties with those who wish you harm – he can help clear obstacles from your life path. Use him to gain new perspective in challenging areas, but be sure to cleanse him regularly. He is found in North America and is a stone of Libra.
Four of Wands
Balance • Openness • Relationships
One of the oldest forms of jasper used in healing, Shell Jasper encompasses the gentle vibes of contentment and compassion. Positive transformations are available to you, as she opens the doors for like-minded people to enter your life. A stone of balance, she helps you create a happy and optimistic demeanor while offering consolation in your time of need. This calmer energy ushers in more strength in your ability to know what’s right for you and how to enjoy life more.
Two of Swords
Hidden Talents • Protection • Transmutation
Increase your personal power with Sheen Obsidian. This energy protecting stone merges the elements of fire, earth and water and helps to clear confusion. As he offers support during times of change, he helps you to also not react out of emotions to people and events. Great for healers, this stone helps balance energy fields and uncover where healing needs to happen. He can help clear obstacles from your life path. Use him to reveal mysteries in your life and of the Universe, but be sure to cleanse him regularly. Clear any darkness that limits your light.
Knight of Cups
Universal Love • Subtle Energy • Gratitude
If you caught a glimmer of his sparkle, then you’ve already found the charm of Guava Quartz. From Brazil, he adds calming and soothing energy when you’re feeling rushed. He brings harmony and balance to your home as he encourages you to remember your true nature of unconditional love. Keep him by your gratitude journal and increase your generosity to others. Some say to use Guava Quartz to manifest your soulmate. A great addition for you if you are embarking on a spiritual path, he encourages love and connection, a Heart Chakra stone.
Knight of Pentacles
Joy • Wealth • Success
Citrine is known as the “Merchant’s Stone” and believed to help bring material prosperity and career attainment into your life. His bright and cheery demeanor help lift you up to meet your goals and accomplish great things. Reflecting the color of the Solar Plexus chakra, your personal willpower is magnetized towards creativity and motivation. Place him in your money center for 40 days to improve finances or pair with clear quartz for manifestation. The towers are from Rio Grande, Brazil and blessed by the Saint, Shree Maa.
Five of Swords
Fearless • Energy Protector • Grounding
When negativity feels like it’s weighing you down, grab your master cleanser Black Tourmaline. He has the ability to rid negative vibes from your space and aura while helping you ground back into the reality of the Divine. A must-have companion, Black Tourmaline has been used since Medieval times. He can help you overcome obsessive behaviors, but is more commonly used for stress relief and adding positivity back into your daily routine. Keep him in your bedroom to cleanse from your daily electronic use, or place in front of your computer.
Three of Cups
Harmony • Prosperity • Abundance
Known as the “Wealth Stone,” Amethyst is born of a Greek myth where a young virgin was turned into crystal and wine poured over her to create the beautiful purple points of this beloved stone. Create your own shower of abundance with her as she works to increase your effectiveness in work, intuition and communication. Her blessed energy washes away negative thoughts, anxiety and stress while activating your 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras. Place in your living room for harmony of home or in your office to make better decisions. Juicy Amethyst comes from Uruguay with deep grape colors.
Queen of Wands
Happiness • Confidence • Social Butterfly
Stimulate new ideas (and new friendships) with Peacock Ore, or Chalcopyrite. She is a stone of Capricorn and Taurus and wants to remind you that nothing is wrong in your day-to-day as she encourages you to engage with joy. Better known as the “Stone of Happiness,” she brings you back to the present moment and fills you with positivity. Enhance your perception of things and gain the inner sight for a better today and tomorrow! She represents all chakras – place in a place where you can see her unicorn vibes.
Three of Pentacles
Auric Cleansing • Serenity • Connectivity
The prismatic crystals of Scolecite give this “Stone of Inner Peace” the beautiful milky white inclusions. She works as an energetic spring cleaning on your aura and is a stone to work with everyday to advance your relaxation and memory. She is part of the Zeolite family, mostly found in India and Iceland, and can help unlock issues of your heart. She is best known for deep inner peace and spiritual transformation, but can also give you more restful sleep and control over your life. She is a great aid for creating connectivity in groups and increases compassion.
Seven of Cups
Agelessness • Adventure • Intuition
This from of Porcelanite, or West Australian Jasper, is better known by the Aboriginal name of Mookiate – meaning “running water.” In the 12th Century, German royalty soaked Mookiate in wine as a fountain of youth. This stone continues to bring about agelessness and beauty of youth as your beliefs about aging may change. She encourages good decisions and may connect you with ancestor spirits to help change your perspective and evolve your spirit. The stability of this stone and protective vibes are great for any adventurer!
Five of Swords
Truth with Compassion • Open Mind • Calm Temper
The name of Lapis Lazuli is lackluster, Latin for “stone” and Persian for “blue,” but there is nothing lackluster about the power of this stone: Michelangelo used ground Lapis to paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel! A mix of Lazurite, Calcite and Pyrite, he calms the senses, aids in protection against psychic attack, and promotes self-awareness and expression. He helps you tell the truth with compassion, omitting those bold remarks that breed division, and asks you to become accountable with your explicitness.
Seven of Pentacles
Rejuvenation • Clarity • Pure Spirit
Water, wind and sand work hard to create this beautiful Desert Rose Selenite. Found in desert regions, these rosettes are a combination of Selenite and Barite. Enhancing clarity of your mind, self confidence and worth, she helps you become more conscious daily. She acts as a mental defrag and system reboot so you can release negativity and follow through on your intentions. Work through any phobias and embrace your hidden talents by placing her in your bedroom, office or meditation room. She can charge and cleanse other crystals and up your energy.
Divine Feminine • Spirituality • Love Infusion
With the gentle hand of a caring nurse, Pink Tourmaline gives a transfusion of love energy into your system. She embodies compassion and gentleness during times of growth and helps release any worries or deep emotional pain. Keep her by your side for protection during your daily rituals and allow her to help joy and happiness to return. She can help show blockages and open you to give and receive love. She is a stone of Unconditional Love and friendship and can alleviate a heavy heart and depression. Her message: “Spirit has a plan; you are safe.”
Queen of Swords
Motivation • Manifesting • Humanitarian Work
From the Greek word that means “to deceive,” Blue Apatite gets its name from its chameleon-like nature to mimic other stones. Don’t be deceived; Blue Apatite is a powerful stone that merges your mind to Earth and can unearth the Akashic records. She can help you see all levels of consciousness working together, while illuminating past life lessons to overcome. Like a Gemini stone would, she counters this by helping you plan your next steps and expand your knowledge. Randomly, she is known to decrease your hunger level as it pertains to nutrition, while bolstering your motivation towards your goals.
Universal Flow • Emotional Tide • Dreamer
The watery vibes of this stone resonate with the ebb and flow of the Universe. Aqua Lemurian Calcite is a generous stone who adds to your own resonance with your emotions. He grounds you into the material plane while showing you your divine magnificence. Tails have it that Lemurian stones hold Ancient Wisdom, accessible to you at any time. This stone is rare and brings an air of calming and soothing your emotional body while washing away the thoughts holding you back. Turn to ALC as a mediation friend and see what waves you can catch! This stone also goes by Blue Onyx.
Four of Pentacles
Intuition • Self-Trust • New Programming
Named for the Sodium inclusions this stone holds, Sodalite’s majestic bluish hues have sparked interest since the 1800’s. In Canada, it was once referred to as “Princess Blue.” He is a stone to keep with you to help you stand up for your beliefs and be true to yourself. Known as the “Stone of Awakening,” he can help you when you are over-emotional and ease fear and anxiety. Great for communication, he is used for career enhancement, personal-will and discipline. He is a stone of Sagittarius and represents the 3rd Eye and Throat Chakras. Increase creativity and philosophical endeavors.
Nine of Wands
Cooperation • Grounded Ascension • Balanced Integration
Born from the Greek word for “Blood,” Hematite was once used for blood disorders. His name also represents the blackish outside coloring that reveals red inside. Dispel any negativity and diffuse anger with this sacred stone. He is a master at grounding your energy so any spiritual work is not lost during daily pursuits. He helps you when you are in need of focus and balance, and can integrate 5D and 3D realities. He is a detoxifying stone with powerful grounding and cooling vibes. Use him in relieving geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog (aka cleanse your space with him).
Eight of Wands
{ RUBY }
Energy • Sensuality • Nobility
This beautiful stone’s name comes from the Sanskrit word “Kuruvinda” – meaning Ruby. She is part of the Corundum family, along with Sapphire. She has been celebrated since the Middle Ages to convey good health and remove negative energies. She helps bring back your zest for life; carry her with you to increase your prana, or energy. Her message is to have courage to live the life you chose. Pair her with Rose Quartz for fiery passion (wink, wink)! She is the birthstone of Cancers and Leos born in July.
King of Pentacles
Abundance • Success • Life Goals
Sometimes known as “Fool’s Gold,” Pyrite is nothing to snub. He is your perfect guide to the life of your dreams, as he works to bring vitality to your mission. He inspires you to do the hard work with dedication and can increase your personal will power. Manifest more quickly while holding him in your hand and saying your dreams aloud. He is known as a Stone of Luck and Native Americans used him as a ceremonial tool. See what can unfold and what you are capable of with him! A wonderful stone to do grid work and rituals, he is a stone of Leo’s.
Spiritual Knowing • Relaxation • Trust
Found originally in South Africa, Prehnite is known as the Shaman’s Prophecy stone. Look close, those black inclusions are epidote. Use them to quiet restlessness and move to a place of unconditional love. Prehnite reminds you that service from the heart leads to ultimate fulfillment, and may teach you to start saying “no” to energy sucks. It is known to “heal the healer,” and those who are already working in light. Keep it in a cool, dark place so it doesn’t fade and remember the abundance of the universe. A stone of Libra.
The Hierophant
Pure Thought • Spiritual Connection
This special form of Fluorite is found in Muzquiz, Mexico and reacts to UV light. Like other forms of Fluorite, he works on improving concentration, balancing and grounding. Purple Fluorite in particular is the most serene and peaceful of them all. Known as the “Genius Stone,” he will help you manage the endless thoughts and find focus. A great stone for students, but also perfect for working with other crystals, he helps clear your mental blocks while protecting your aura. He leaves you with the gift of better decision making and exposes the true desires of your heart.
Ten of Pentacles
New Beginnings • Nourishment • Release
Known as the Gardener’s Stone, Moss Agate embodies the energy of the Earth. The gentle energy inspires forgiveness with a soothing and gentle vibration. Tied to nature, agriculture, and the animal kingdom, this stone is great aid in growth of any kind. Moss Agate is great for midwives, those who work with animals as it calms and brings in compassion, but also if you are looking to heal any emotional wounds, release fear, or decrease depression. A stone of Virgo’s, this form of agate is also called the Birthing Stone.
Page of Pentacles
Protection • Strength • Stamina
Has Deja Vu been knocking at your door? Black Onyx is a form of chalcedony that can help mediate past life drama or old wounds from this lifetime. A powerful, grounding force he can help you stabilize your frequency. Start to revisit your self-discipline and realize you hold all your keys to economic success. He helps you make smart decisions, and brings a message of happiness and luck. Lick your wounds (if you have any) and find ease from stress, grief and fear with this stone of the night.
Eight of Cups
Vitality • Intuitive Health • Physical
Turquoise has been celebrated by cultures since the dawn of time. The Egyptians saw her as good fortune and would throw her into the river to bring rain. Indian Priests believe she embodied the Spirit of the Sky. Amplify your intentions and tap into your body’s intuition with the gentle energy of this stone. She acts as your health guide, and is said to aid in rejuvenation. She can amplify the purity of natural elements and relates to the elements of water and air. Pair her with Lapis for an escape to the sea in your space. Feng Shui suggests placing in your office for wealth.
Six of Swords
Aura Enhancer • Ocean Vibes • Consciousness
This Seafarer’s Stone is also known as the “Stone of Courage & Protection.” Originally carried on long sea voyages, she helps calm fears and phobias. She will help in overcoming judgement and encourage tolerance for others on their journeys. Use her to bring clarity of mind, making her great friend for students. Her name translates as Water of the Sea, and she reminds you to flow with the heart. She is the birthstone of March Aries and Pisces, and is ruled by the moon. Increase a sense of joyful harmony with Aquamarine.
Energetic Body • Balance • Heart Centered
Galaxy Jasper is a newer find, and can also be called Nebula Stone or Star Galaxy Jasper. It is a microgranular quartz, with traces of bloodstone jasper. From the supplier: “It is an alkali volcanic rock containing traces of quartz, aegirine, riebeckite, and anorthoclase, among other minerals like potassium feldspar, calcite, and zircon.” The starburst creates unique shapes and the palm feel is calm and grounding, with focus on the heart. Use it to connect with your true heart’s desires and increase your vitality.
Gridding Crystals
Inner Journey • Alignment • Fate
Heighten the profoundness of your inner journey with Lithium Quartz. His adaptability and chameleon-like nature will help you navigate uncertain times, asking you to remember that you are a child of God and deserve all of life’s blessings. Combat any depression, anxiety and stress using him as an aid in meditation or stillness. He comes directly from miners in Brazil and invokes the courage for you to act on your convictions and dreams. He reminds you that risk-taking isn’t meant for the faint hearted and your decisive actions can inspire others.
Nine of Pentacles
Focus • Inspiration • Divine Will
This rare stone brings together Amethyst and Citrine to form Ametrine. Encompassing both stones, it reflects the balance of masculine and feminine energies. Brining Ametrine into your home allows happiness to flourish, providing higher guidance and insight into Divine will. It helps you come to creative solutions for difficult problems and opens your space for higher vibrational energy. A stone of Libra and Gemini, balance and duality and put into proper perspective that everything has a place. Place in your Feng Shui money center for abundance.
Three of Swords
Intellect • Patience • Communication
Is it time that you stood up for yourself? Dumortierite is here to help, ushering in more calm during intense situations and patience for yourself and others. He works as a stress-buster, helping you clear out clutter and increase the peace that comes from being more organized. In matters of expression, he can help you improve communication. His beautiful “starry night” facade reminds you that the night never fights the day, and there is room for forgiveness in your heart. A great stone for entrepreneurs, families, and those looking to communicate with animals. He corresponds to the sign of Leo.
The Star
Higher Realm • Healing • Transformation
Known as the “Crystal of the Angels,” Elestial Quartz comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil. This Smoky Amethyst Elestial allows you to be in this world, while knowing your origins of stardust. Use it to dispel depression and any fatigue that comes with it. As it connects you to your guides, you will become open to what lies ahead, improving your intuition, knowledge, wisdom and the connecting element of love through the cosmos. As you move into this space of deeper knowing, you form a protective shield and dispel toxic emotions. If it has crossed your path, realize it is divine and meant to be!
Queen of Cups
Grace • Next Step • Intuition
This rare stone comes from Patagonia and shines in lilac, pink and peachy vibes that give her the name Pink Amethyst. It’s hard not to notice her sparkle, and her vibe brings gentle love to any space. She helps you to see good in the “bad,” and reminds you to adjust to the ever-changing nature of life. As she radiates Divine Love, she brings calm, peace and a deep sense of knowing. She reflects the beauty of life-long partnerships and encourages you to see your inner beauty. Use her vibe to negotiate with charm so you can bring more creativity to the world.
Positive Shift • Cosmic Awareness • Enhanced Mood
A “Stone of Transition,” Lepidolite gets its name from the lithium and mica that form this stone. She asks that you use her for the highest good in your life as she brings about light and hope. Balance your emotions and intellect and dispel any stress associated with change by holding her near. The Universe will always provide for you – be sure to stay present so you can witness it all! She works on the subtle energetic body, connective tissue and nervous system, making her a great stone for anyone in a pandemic. She relieves PTSD and reasons behind a negative mindset. Make sure not to get her wet!
Two of Cups
Stability • Strength • Fidelity
Found in France in 20,000 BC, Agate is a form of banded chalcedony and comes in a variety of colors and formations. It holds a gentle vibration that works over time, making it a great addition to rooms you linger in. It works to balance the yin and yang, providing grounding energy for your composure and maturity. Start to let go of unnecessary desires and reevaluate the course you are on. In China, it is worn to purify the mind. Let the gentle Earth vibes bring you back to a place of balance so you can move confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Page of Wands
Anti-Apathy • Resolve • Motivation
Feign off your feelings of restlessness with Zebra Calcite, a white and black banded version of Calcite. The duality presented in Zebra’s coloring encourages you to balance out your intellect and emotions. If you look close, the colors often merge and aren’t separate at all! Zebra’s uplifting energy can give you just the shift to get going on that next big project, while offering you some resolve in what has been holding you back. Sometimes, just by giving your love, energy and focus to another you reap the same reward. Energy is abundant, and Zebra will help keep your aura clear enough to receive it!
She may seem ice cold, put Mongolian Quartz is truly a warm companion in your hand. The pieces that make her seem clouded are really the pieces that insulate your innocence and purity. A delicate stone, not to be reckless with, she connects directly to the space between your heart and throat chakras. Once that blockage is released, the bottom three chakras can connect to the heart and above. She also can alleviate pain in the upper back. She is best to be meditated with and resembles her cousin, the Lemurian, and also needs admiration and attention to really reap her benefits.
Manifesting • Luck • Possibilities
Turn your luck around with Orange Aventurine. The shimmering effect of this stone helps bring more light to your ideas. It helps alleviate the negative words in your head so you can move forward towards your dreams and visions.
Calm • Prosperity • Destress your Life
Peach Aventurine combines a calming nature with prosperity in all forms. Relax, take a deep breath and know that you can overcome the obstacles in front of you. Promote creativity in your endeavors, balance your mind and learn tolerance with this stone.
Love • Gentleness • Compassion
Pink Opal is also known as “The Stone of Spiritual Awakening.” and with that she is a stone that brings gentle compassion to your life. When we meditate with her, we are able to see the interconnectedness of all things and waves of compassion for all.
Hearth • Nature • Trust in Path
Que Sera is a stone from Brazil named after the song Que Sera Sera which translates as “What will be will be.” This majestic stone is a combination of Quartz, Calcite, Iron Oxide, Kaolinite, Magnetite, Leucozene, and Clinozoisite. A natural pick-me-up, boost your energy on low days and pull yourself out of any rut to find that your destiny awaits.
Inner Clarity • Meditation • Optimism
Bring a new level of awareness to your body and mind with Picasso Jasper. Used in meditation, you may reach heightened states of being. The joyful nature of this jasper increase optimism and happiness in your daily life while creating an atmosphere for creative pursuits.
Confidence • Courage • Protection
In Ancient Egypt, Tiger’s Eye was known as the Eye of the Deities – representing the “All Seeing, All Knowing” eye. He integrates the power of the Sun and Earth, helping you move past the idea of duality. When you approach life from a place of spiritual and material as one, you realize your true power and capacity.
Take Action • Soak in Goodness • Balance
Dive past the superficial layers of your encounters with others and get to the heart of your friendships, new and old, with Zebra Jasper. Spark a desire to fullfill your goals, as Zebra Jasper moves you out of apathy towards a higher alignment.
Inner Child • Wholeness • Loyalty
Strengthen your bond with your inner child and invite it to play with Dalmatian Jasper. This stone brings a healthy amount of enthusiasm to the day, and encourages you to add some fun in. The calming nature of this jasper will keep it light-hearted, with some grounding vibes leading to more tranquility.
Only found in Brazil, this type of Quartz is super rare. Even more rare is the Blue Amphibole variation of the stone. This stone is said to connect to the higher realms and Blue Amphibole connects the 3rd eye and Crown Chakras. A great aid in meditation, Blue Amphibole is sometimes called “Angel Phantom Quartz”. The distinct patterns are like veins or sheaths through the crystals that highlight the interconnectedness one finds in their body and hopefully the Universe.
These pebbles are from a Sonoran Mine that closed and combine three different minerals (technically up to five). Malachite (green), Azurite (blue), Turquoise (light blue) with Quartz druzzy and/or on Feldspar matrix. A rare find that we were lucky to purchase. Secure a super rare piece of Mexican history by honoring this rare vein of crystal.
Our Why
PureJoy Yoga + Wellness is pillar in the community, providing a safe place for the practice of yoga and wellbeing. We continually improve our services, offerings, trainings, and facilities to be the best in our industries. We approach our trades with open hearts, creating an accepting and compassionate place for people to grow, thrive and heal. We are leaders in our industries, paving the way for others and coaching them along the way. Our work is done methodically and to the highest standards of our industries as we provide those around us with an experience of “PureJoy.”