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Mat Pilates

PureJoy Yoga


Mat Pilates

This class combines flexibility, muscle tone, body balance, low back health, sports performance, and body-mind awareness. Re-energize your day with this wonderful blend of exercises on the yoga mat.

Length: 1 hour

Opening: Wednesdays 9 am

Teacher: Julie

Price: $15 drop in

What you can expect: Core work & lots of outer/inner glute work with resistance bands (provided), several a very quick pace with optional weights, working on endurance. Full body workout with joints moving through all ranges of motion.

What to bring: a yoga mat (loaner mats available in studio), clothes you can move comfortably in, and a bottle of water. Resistance bands,, blankets, blocks and straps are available in studio. Complimentary hand towels are available as well.

Best for: students ready for a challenge, athletes.