Yoga For Every Season: Winter

Photo Credit: Laura Sykora
Winter is the season of darkness. We see it all around us; the days are shorter, many furry creatures & plants go into hibernation, and we begin to spend more time huddled in the warmth of our homes. This season mirrors the teaching of the fifth limb in the Yoga Sutras; Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses).
What Is Pratyahara?
Sometimes this limb can be elusive or confusing for us. We like having tangible teachings like Asteya (Non-stealing) or an Asana like Tree Pose (Vrksasana) but when it comes to the idea of Withdrawal sometimes we don’t know how to navigate. Pratyahara is like winter as it personifies the rest & recuperation we need every once in a while. Picture the ease of Corpse Pose (Savasana) after an active flow. In a world of information overload, the yoga practice of Pratyahara offers us a haven of silence.
Lets take some tips from the wisdom nature provides on how to get the most out of this season;
• This is a time to turn inward. This is a time to restore ourselves in preparation for the seasons ahead.
• Make sure to get plenty of sleep through these winter months. Perhaps go to bed earlier than normal or sleep in a bit late. You might be used to needing very little sleep, but resting up throughout winter will boost your immune system when you need it the most. Restoration and rejuvenation isn’t just about sleep though, renewal can take many forms. Many people let the gray days turn their minds in a dreary direction.
• If you need more light & warmth, create it from within! Moving through an invigorating exercise routine in the morning to boost immunity and mood can be one of the best kick-starts to a winter day.
• Tias Little, director of Prajna Yoga, believes a practice that includes supported and inverted poses increases circulation of lymph—a clear, watery fluid that moves through the body picking up bacteria and viruses and filtering them out via the lymph nodes. So spending time on your mat through these winter months might be just the thing to help you skip out on that flu or cold bug floating around.
5 Yoga Poses to Rejuvenate
• Child’s Pose (Balasana): This true resting pose is calming for the mind, elongates the spine & opens the hips while reducing stress and fatigue.
• Supported Headstand (Salamba sirsasana): This supported inversion helps with stagnation of lymph & will get it flowing around the body.
• Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara): This set will invigorate you and build heat in your body during these cold days.
• Bow Pose (Dhanurasana): Will open your chest with this backbend giving support to your respiratory organs.
• Breath of Fire Pranayama: a practice that builds internal heat and eliminates mucus from the respiratory tract. These are rapid, sharp exhales, passive inhales, and a snapping of your lower abdomen.
These poses are metabolically invigorating and help to warm the kidneys and clear phlegm.
BONUS Yogi Tip: Soak up as much sunshine as you can! Sit by a window or take a winter walk. Sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D (which is crucial to ward off illness), relaxes muscles, combats seasonal mood disorders, and aids the body in maintaining healthy sleep cycles.

Photo Credit: Laura Sykora