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PureJoy changed my life

PureJoy changed my life

For many years before I found PureJoy Yoga, I struggled badly with fibromyalgia and anxiety. I was on many different medications including a few serious ones for pain. I could only do things if i had my meds. I stayed home a lot, tried not to interact with people too much. My whole life revolved around me having fibromyalgia. In August of 2016, I had my first serious anxiety attack. It was so bad I had to call an ambulance. I was living in fear from then on that I was going to have another and I was going to “stroke out” and die. I was I tired of this life and something had to change before the anxiety and stress of the fibromyalgia meds killed me.

The day I walked into PureJoy Yoga for my first ever yoga class, I closed the book on the life and mind space I wanted no part of. I began a new journey I was truly meant to take. I was nervous, I was fearful. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to keep up in class or do any crazy poses. I thought I might be body shamed or talked about like I had experienced at other gyms.

I was wrong. I walked through PureJoy’s door and I was instantly welcomed and accepted. In the first few minutes of class I was told to honor my body and be honest with myself. I worked my buns off and loved it. When class was over, I wanted more. I craved more. I started attending everyday. My fibromyalgia pain started to go away and now I am off the meds. My anxiety didn’t bother me that much anymore and I got off those meds too.

I made amazing friends. My relationship with my husband and daughter got worlds better. My body was changing and for the first time in my life I can truly say, I love everything about it. Through my family here I have learned to love myself, and to lay all of my worries, struggles and pain out on my mat. I am a strong, beautiful force to be reckoned with. I will forever be thankful to PureJoy.

β€” April M.